Introducing pblog

Mon, 04 Jul 2022

This article is a living document. It will always have the most up-to-date information on getting started with pblog.

Last Updated: July 27, 2022

Although this project was already announced a couple days ago, I thought it might be best to actually breakdown pblog into greater detail.

Enough chit-chat, let’s get into it!

Main Goal

The entire purpose of pblog is to be as bare-bones as possible, while still maintaining a pleasant writing workflow. Users write their posts and pages in Markdown - pblog handles everything else:

Site Structure

After you’ve cloned the official pblog repo on sourcehut, the next thing you should do is edit the main file in the root directory. This will give you a better understanding of how everything is built.

Once generated, pblog structures the final website files as such:


This structure is completely customizable by simply editing the file (if you so desire).

Headers and Footers

By default pblog will add the header and footer includes to every individual post and page. To edit these, simply open the _header.html and _footer.html files respectively.

Important: To avoid rendering issues DO NOT remove the included article opening and closing tags within those files. Everything else you can edit, remove, etc.

Posts and Pages

Posts and pages are written via Markdown inside the posts and pages folders respectively.

Individual posts require the following headers (take note of the date format):

title: Blog Title
date: Mon, 04 Jul 2022

while individual pages only require a title:

title: Page Title

This makes for an easier switch over from other SSG platforms like Jekyll or Hugo.

The Build Process

The main variables at the top of the file need to edited with your own details before generating your website. Those variables are fairly self-explanatory and simple to edit.

All you need to do now is run make (or make serve if you’re looking to test locally) and you’re done. Your website should now be fully generated inside the include _output directory. For quick reference:

  1. pblog converts your Markdown posts into two variations of HTML
    • One is used specifically for rendering itself inside the RSS feed
    • The other is used for linking in a browser
  2. Next, pblog converts your Markdown pages into HTML
  3. All of these generated HTML files are then moved to the _output folder

pblog is also smart enough to automatically generate a main blog list directory for you. This index.html file is placed inside the _output/blog folder on build. You can see an example of the blog list on this very website.

Uploading to the WWW

Those with more experience will probably lean towards using a utility like rsync to sync the contents of their _output folder with their web server. For those with less experience, I recommend using something like Netlify Drop to make things as friction-less as possible.

Wrapping Up

There isn’t much else to say. pblog is as static or flexible as you chose it to be. If you have any ideas on how to improve things or come across any bugs, please open a ticket or PR on the official repo.

Thanks and happy blogging with pblog!